General Body Contouring FAQ


Gem Sculpt FAT FREEZING Holistic Body Contouring

We’ve taken an industry proven fat reduction treatment and ENHANCED it by adding another well known detox treatment! Our Gem Sculpt Holistic Body Contouring Sessions add one more layer of effectiveness to the industry standard wood therapy + ice sculpting treatment. Each session of Gem Sculpt begins with an infrared sauna wrap to give your fat cells even more of a shock when we begin the cryolipolysis. In addition to the natural detox effects that infrared saunas provide. These treatments freeze and break down fat cells; allowing the relocation and removal of unwanted fat thru lymphatic system.

Effects are based on natural thermogenesis, resulting in the disposal of toxins, while it also firms, tones, activates the production of collagen and elastin, oxygenates and revitalizes skin, dissolves fat deposits, and smooths cellulite. Add radio frequency skin tightening, and skip the scalpel! This treatment can be done as often as weekly for expedited results, or biweekly to monthly depending on your schedule.

Gem Sculpt FAQ



CyroShape is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that works in the same way that CoolSculpting does, at a fraction of the price! There are several different sized hand pieces that are placed onto the skin, drawing in the unwanted fat tissue and freezing it to death! You will begin to see a result in as few as 3-4 weeks, with peak results at 3-6 months after your last session. This treatment can be done monthly until desired results are achieved, and most people will need a minimum of 3-4 sessions for best results.

Cryoshape FAQ

Wood Therapy

Wood Therapy is particularly helpful at breaking down cellulite and fat deposits in preparation for other sculpting treatments, but is also beneficial as a stand-alone treatment. Soften up denser fat deposits or focus on cellulite areas before or in the midst of your Gem Sculpt series for improved results! This included with each Gem Sculpt or Vacuum Butt Lift session. This treatment can be done as often as you’d like until your desired results are achieved. A consultation can be scheduled to give you an approximate number of sessions required.

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation uses low frequency ultrasonic waves to transform your fat cells into fatty acids. Your body can then dispose of those fatty acids — they won’t stick around as fat cells do. This treatment typically requires around a dozen results to see significant improvement, but dramatically increases results when added to a Gem Sculpt or CryoShape Session because the frozen fat cells are far more susceptible to collapsing. This treatment gives best results when done at least 2-3 times a week and typically requires at least 8-12 sessions for significant visible results when not paired with Gem Sculpt or CryoShape.

Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo is a painless way to help shed inches! During Laser Lipo, the fat is penetrated and broken down by the emitted light. This process mimics that of working out, causing your fat cells to shrink naturally. Laser Lipo has no UVA or UVB rays so you do not need to worry about over exposure.The machine emits a red light at 635 nm which has been shown to help reduce fat and that's it. No adverse side effects have been shown. Frozen fat cells tend to be even more susceptible to this treatment, so add it to your next Gem Sculpt or CryoShape treatment! When used alone, you’ll want to have Laser Lipo done at least 2-3 times a week for effective results. Monthly and quarterly packages are available, or pay per session!

Radio frequency skin tightening

RF Skin tightening uses tri-polar and multi-polar radio frequency energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The treatment induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin.


Vacuum Butt Lift Therapy

Vacuum therapy stimulates the muscles, breaks the cellulite and fat deposits, removes toxins and improves lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin to soften the appearance of dimples on the thighs and buttocks area. Goodbye, cellulite! And hello to a lifted, naturally plumped derriere! This therapy is painless, safe, and highly effective. The typical recommended treatment plan is 6-8 sessions over the course of a month, with monthly maintenance for lasting results.

Vacuum Butt Lift FAQ

Hifu Sculpt

HIFU, or High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is often referred to as a the “non-invasive face lift” for it’s incredible ability to remodel damaged collagen in the skin. Anyone age 18 or older with skin laxity on the body, whether from losing weight, having a child(ren) or other reasons is a great candidate! The face and neck area is also popular to help smooth away crows feet and facial lines, and prevent or restore sagging jowls. No People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results. HIFU isn’t recommended for people with infections and open skin lesions at the target area, severe or cystic acne, and metallic implants in the treatment area.


Infrared Sauna Wrap

Lipo-reductive toning lotions and/or gels are applied to your desired areas and thoroughly wrapped before you enjoy the detoxing and therapeutic properties of our infrared sauna. Every Gem Sculpt session starts with one of these, or you can try it as a standalone treatment! There is no one answer for the amount of sessions per week, but infrared saunas are safe to use every day. In fact, you will see wellness improvements sooner if you use it daily. These include better sleep, relaxation, detoxification, weight loss, relief from sore muscles, relief from joint pain such as arthritis, clear and tighter skin, improved circulation, and help for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Microcurrent toning

Microcurrent is today’s ‘magic wand!’ Microcurrent taps into your body’s natural electrical energy to “wake up” lax skin and even muscles. This treatment helps your body produce more ATP, which can also help muscles after a workout. Our machine here at Hidden Gem also has LED built in, so we can aid in collagen production, brightening, and more on a surface level, while also toning the tissue beneath the surface. Schedule a series and enjoy your ‘passive workout’ while you relax on the treatment table!

Gem Sculpt FAQ

Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: Everyone is different an has different goals, so it’s hard to say without a physical assessment! Most people will benefit from a series of at least 3 to 7 treatments, but we can sculpt you ‘til you’ve reached YOUR personal goal. Look at some of the images in our gallery for examples of how many sessions yield visible results on real people! And that’s without the infrared sauna wrap that makes our treatment different!


Q: How soon until I see results?
A: Many people see a difference immediately after just the first treatment, however small! A noticeable difference is apparent by 3 to 5 treatments, and you may continue to see improved results for up to 3 months after your last session!


Q: How does it work?
A: Please see the brief explanations above for a basic explanation. If you would like to have an in-depth conversation about the processes that take place when we freeze away your fat, please schedule a consultation with us!

Q: Will I lose weight?
A: You very well may lose weight, however, we are focusing on VOLUME. As long as you simply MAINTAIN the number on the scale, you will see results! You will lose inches, and be slipping into those old jeans or that dress in no time!

Q: Is there any downtime?
A: NO! This is completely non-invasive treatment! There are no needles, no scalpels, NO DOWNTIME! Just results.


Q: Is it painful?
A: This may not be our most relaxing spa treatment, but it’s not painful! The wood therapy is a intense type of massage and may leave you feeling like you just had a workout, and the ice therapy is definitely cold, but you should not feel any pain, only mild discomfort at certain points of the treatment. Some people with sensitive skin may bruise from wood therapy.

Q: How long do results last?
A: As long as you at least MAINTAIN the number on the scale from Day 1 of treatment, you will be able to enjoy the effects of the treatment.

Q: What will happen to untreated areas if I gain weight?
A: Just like surgical liposuction and tummy tucks, you can still gain weight after treatment! When you gain weight, all your fat cells expand at a consistent rate; when you lose weight they shrink - but the total number remains the same. Treatments like our Gem Sculpt Holistic Body Contouring, Coolsculpting, Thermage, liposuction and tummy tucks all target and destroy or physically remove fat cells. The remaining fat cells still have the ability to expand and contract! Untreated areas will appear to have more rapid weight gain if you do not maintain your starting weight after treatment.

Q: Do I need to do anything for my treatment?
A: Yes, you need to drink a gallon of water throughout the day of the treatment. I recommend 4-5 glasses of water before your treatment and 3-4 after your treatment to make sure all the toxins in your body that may be stimulated are flushed out. A sample of Belly Burn tea will be provided for you at your first session to help further flush your system.

Q: Is there any reason or condition that would prohibit me from safely receiving any body contouring treatments?
A: Please visit our TREATMENT CONTRAINDICATIONS page for full listing. Pregnancy/ breastfeeding, active cancer, recent surgery, and recent use of blood thinners are the most commonly encountered contraindications.


Vacuum Butt Lift Therapy FAQ

Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: Typically just 2-4 sessions will give you outstanding results when done in a 1-2 week timespan! The trick is maintaining the results with a proper treatment plan. We recommend 6-8 treatments your first month (twice a week), then 1-2 times a month for maintenance. Just like working out, consistency is key, but let me do all the hard work for you!

Q: How soon until I see results?
A: You will start to see a difference after just one session! To make your results long lasting, a series of treatments is recommended.

Q: How does it work?
A: We use wood therapy to break down cellulite and fat deposits in the thighs, while activating the lymphatic system. We then push the broken down fat cells up to the buttocks and apply vacuum therapy cups to “hold” the fat in place. This allows us to ‘retrain’ fat cells to sit in the buttocks, but without maintenance treatments or surgical intervention, the fat cells will eventually shift back to where they started. Once a month maintenance is often enough for most people to enjoy their results indefinitely!

Q: Is there any downtime?
A: Nope! No needles, no surgery, no downtime! Just results.

Q: Is it painful?
A: You may experience a slight pinching sensation as the cups are being applied or removed, but otherwise it is pain-free!

Q: How long do results last?
A: The results are permanent with maintenance sessions, exercise and clean eating. Without monthly maintenance, your results will last about 6 months after you complete your initial package.

Q: Is there any reason or condition that would prohibit me from safely receiving any body contouring treatments?
A: Please visit our TREATMENT CONTRAINDICATIONS page for full listing. Pregnancy/ breastfeeding, active cancer, recent surgery, and recent use of blood thinners are the most commonly encountered contraindications.